Modding out optional features in a game runs directly against the spirit of RPG.

RPG gaming means YOU THE PLAYER are responsible for your gaming choices, NOT the game. Same with the size of the health bar, effectiveness of health packs and the like. One of the greatest innovations in gaming is placing things like regenerating health in a PERK TREE so you can play like that OR NOT. When people whine about this or that OPTIONAL game feature, they put pressure on the devs to DROP such features in the future, CRIPPLING the functionality of the game. OPTIONS to game play are a GOOD thing, allowing those that want/need them the choice to use them, while allowing those of us who require and 'old school' experience to ***IGNORE*** them! Are you REALL so weak minded, that if a 'cheat' exists, you just have to use it. What is it with people who have problems NOT using option features in games. Actually "just don't use fast travel" couldn't be MORE helpful and pertinent.