The normal blood textures almost look cartoon like and don't look good at all imo. Next we look at "Enhanced blood textures basic" which greatly improves the blood textures. Next is a small mod but I find it more smooth looking "Simple hit marker " which changes the normal hit marker into a × shape Then it's "Realistic Roads - fade" which makes all the roads have darker concrete and look more realistic

Next is "Illuminated billboards" this simply adds, you guessed it, illuminated bill boards. Up next it's "vivid weathers" this mod adds 75 new weathers, over 110 new cloud textures, 15 new cloud meshes, new rain sounds, 17 new thunder sounds, certain weathers and nights affect NPC's ability to detect you, enhanced sunrays, immersive sunsets, enhanced volumetric fogs for rainy and foggy weather, night brightness depending on weather, and many small details as surprises! The new weathers include 12 new clear weathers, 12 new cloudy weathers, 3 fallout weathers (snow), 6 overcast weathers, 9 new rad storm/rad rain/rad snow weathers, 18 different rain weathers, 8 thunder and rain weathers, 7 fog weathers in different strenghs, and 1 surprise weather for all Silent Hill fans. This completly changes the map and makes everything you knew unrecognizable in a good way but if you want a more subtle approach to completely changing everything's look I reccomend "Spiffy's Wastleland".make everything look moderately better while still keeping the dead wasteland feel. Next we have "ReGrowth definitive edition" after 200 years without proper care, mother nature has sprouted everywhere in the wasteland. Perfectly immersive too as the light pollution would have died down after 200 years. This mod adds an amazingly beautiful new night sky to the commonwealth. These are the mods I use for Fallout 4.all these mods are visual improvements and retextures so it doesn't add any new content to the game