
Skype send voice message
Skype send voice message

skype send voice message

When you first configure voicemail, you will need to supply your Personal Identification Number. You can also forward your calls in a variety of ways from the Skype for Business console. You may optionally follow up on the missed communications directly from the message in your Outlook Inbox. Using the available features in this service mode, you can receive email messages in Outlook notifying you of missed instant message conversations, phone calls, and other conversations. If you are running an older version of Windows, please visit to download Skype.With Skype for Business Phone Service, you can use Skype for Business to configure, retrieve, and manage your voicemail. This version of Skype is only available for Windows 10. You can also call landline and mobile phones around the world at Skype’s great low rates.

  • Voice calls – Camera shy? Make voice calls to anyone in the world on Skype.
  • skype send voice message

    Quickly find shared files, links, and photos in the chat media gallery.

  • ěe more productive – See all your and get back to people in the notification center.
  • Share your screen to make travel plans with your friends or present your designs to your team.
  • Share – Drag and drop to easily send photos, videos, documents, and files up to 300 MB.
  • Send messages to your friends, grab someone’s attention with mentions, liven up conversations with emoticons, or create a group chat to plan a family reunion. Watch your everyone’s smiles and cries when you tell them “We’re engaged!!!"

    skype send voice message skype send voice message

  • Video calls – Don’t just hear the cheers, see it! Get together with 1 or 24 of your friends and family on a HD video call.
  • Skype is available on phones, tablets, PCs, and Macs. Say “hello” with an instant message, voice or video call – all for free, no matter what device they use Skype on.

    Skype send voice message