All the while they slowly uncover the shards of their own identities. London burns under Operation Antigen, one of the earliest and most devastating attacks of the Second Inquisition. Their actions might see a god return, or cast him down to the darkness from whence he came. The characters find themselves embroiled in history as it unfolds. The Second Inquisition rises to burn London's Kindred to ashes. The Heralds of the Sun awaken from torpor unable to remember who they are, but driven to seek five artifacts to restore their master to his full glory.

Mithras, god among vampires, returns from diablerie at the fangs of Montgomery Coven. Vampire: The Masquerade® – are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB in Europe, the U.S., and other countries.London 2012. Please note: this is a pre-order the product will be available Q1 2022. This includes any creatures, items, and abilities with in-app drag-and-drop support as well as any monsters and maps with GM layer information and Dynamic Lighting support (requires plus / pro subscription), rollable tokens, rollable tables, and macros. The Roll20 Release of Vampire: the Masquerade Second Inquisition Sourcebook will feature all book assets and information fully integrated for the VTT, ready for you and your party to dive in on day one.

Mature Warning: contains graphic and written content of a mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong language.